Sunday, February 14, 2010


It always seems that the ocean gives us a little love on Valentine's day, but not this year, we are starting a new decade of "wave love" on a different note. A good note I'd say, as having waves on Valentine's day usually leads to trouble back on dry land. Its not easy to get your wave fix and have a successful V-day with the lady, we must have priorities right??? Really though, having lived through a few Valentine's day's mixed with waves and the lady, managing time between the both is easier said than done.

The XB crew definitely made sure to score some surf before the 14th though, and earlier this week saw a deluge of unique surf opportunities, a little exploration and some favorable swell angles lead to some winter sessions that will not soon be forgotten. The thought of frigid water temps were gone as soon as we got a glimpse of a little bit of NE coastline that was on fire.

Seems like we are getting into a more active wave pattern, finally, not that it was flat for long, but a couple days of waves a week is really welcome at this point.

If your looking to get something new under your feet, look no further, we just got a bunch of new boards in house and believe me its hard to just look at this things sitting in the rack, pay checks are looking more like down payments on a new board. The latest performance shapes from HIC are waiting for you!!


Win an $1,100 long board by purchasing a $5 ticket

Win a complete Xtremely Sorry skate deck & DVD by purchasing a $1 ticket

All $1 tickets purchased go to HELP HAITI

All 2010 snow outerwear is 40% off





nate mott band said...

Dudes I have to hand it too you! Your shop rules! Nobody protects surf like you guys at the same time offering incredible balance of service and knowledge. Not to mention you have some amazing prices! Thanks! My kid loves his skateboard!

Gsurf said...

Yo. I bought a board from you the other day and it rips! Im not sure the other shops would have shown as much care as you guys did. Thanks! Its the perfect set up.